


As the only club in our greater area with two certified sports nutritionists on staff, our ability to guide athletes to peak nutrition levels is unrivaled. For the past 20 years we have helped athletes and parents find the most effective nutritional path to optimum health and fitness, and look forward to helping all of our members achieve both short and long term success.

From parents wanting to improve their energy and fitness levels to athletes of all levels looking for the next piece of the puzzle in their steps towards better fitness, we can prepare all walks of life with specialized diet and nutrition plans that will take the guess work out of what to eat and when to eat it. 

Integrating the correct nutrition and eating patterns with proper technical and physical training is a puzzle for most young athletes. Let us take the mystery out of getting lean, physical, full of energy and having the best recovery time possible with our Industry nutritional protocols. We can set you up on the path to success with programs that have already fueled peak development at the division I and professional levels of play.